• Stop undercharging.
  • Stop overcharging.
  • Stop selling yourself short.

Get the encyclopedic guide to freelance copywriter rates

trusted by 880+ copywriters worldwide.


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Presenting the

Ultimate Pricing Guide

for Copywriters

A hyper-detailed (97-page!) directory that gives new and not-so-new copywriters clear pricing direction for 105 common copy types — plus a thorough foundation of pricing fundamentals — based on years of in-the-trenches client work & mentoring, with input from dozens of seasoned copywriters 🔥

So, what's covered in this guide?

Categories of deliverables featured:

Ad Copy

Email Copy

LinkedIn Strategy


Advertorials, Print & Online

Emails, SAAS

LinkedIn Posts

Sales Pages

Amazon Listings

Emails, Ecommerce

LinkedIn Profiles

SMS Marketing

Amazon Storefronts

Facebook Ads

LinkedIn Management

Social Media Bios (IG/FB)


Facebook Posts

Microcopy /

UX Copy

Social Media Management

Blog Posts


Packaging Copy

Standalone Research

Brand Messaging Guides

NPO Campaign Package

Phone Scripts

Strategy Consults

Brochure Copy

Fundraising Letters

Pitch Decks


Business Naming

Google Ads

Press Releases


Case Studies

Instagram Ads

Product Descriptions

Trade Show Assets

Company Newsletters

Instagram Stories & Posts

Product Pages

Video Scripts

Copy Review

& Edit

Landing Pages

Product Naming

Web Copy

Customer Interviews

Launch Copy


Website Audits

Day Rates

Lead Magnets


WhatsApp Status


LinkedIn Ads

Revisions (Additional)

White Papers

Nice things our friends say on LinkedIn 😊

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This is not just a list of prices

For each listing, you get:

A clear explanation of what that copy project involves — plus the most common tiers

Separate pricing for entry-level,

mid-level, and senior copywriters

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Typical turnaround time

(so you know how to schedule)

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Detailed notes on pricing & packaging, plus key points to bypass common pitfalls

PLUS, you get a full Pricing Playbook

with detailed FAQs covering every key pricing question

we’ve received from 500+ freelancers over the past few years, including:

When to adjust pricing — and by how much

How do I price work done for an agency? What about white-label projects? What if the client just wants “pretty words” and there’s no research involved?

How to track project profitability

How do I know if I priced a project well?

What can I do to make sure I price accurately in the future?

When to publish your prices

Should I publish my rates?

Why? Where? How?

How to price a deliverable

you’ve never heard of

I don’t know what that is, let alone how long it will take

— how on earth do I come up with a quote? Especially when Google is proving very unhelpful

What your billing process should include

What percentage should I take as a deposit?

How should I deal with credit card fees?

How to deal with client pushback

Is it a lead-quality issue? A mindset issue?

An overcharging issue?


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More nice things our friends say on LinkedIn 😊

Click on the arrows to see more

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The wrong price = missed opportunities

If you’re a new copywriter, it’s your MOST common question.

And even if you’ve got 2-5 years of experience, you still find yourself asking too often:

“What’s the going rate?”

“How do I price this?”

“But what do I charge for THIS kind of project????”

So you set out on the Great Search for Pricing Wisdom.


Question Mark Illustration
Question Mark Illustration
Question Mark Illustration

asking in Slack groups

You beg, cajole, and ask for “just one favor” yet again. (@universe? Anyone? Can SOMEONE weigh in??)

googling on steroids

3 rabbit holes later, you know a WHOLE LOT more about the history of frisbees — but you’re no wiser about pricing this project

interrogating ChatGPT

How many times can AI spit back the same generic "it depends” (or a range that spans $3000)???

What if you could avoid

😩 Shooting in the dark

😳 Muddling your way through every awkward pricing convo

😬 Underpricing — and undercutting yourself big time, or

😱 Overpricing — and losing a gig you *really* wanted (and needed!)

What if you could never again lose a golden opportunity 💰

due to poor pricing?

This guide helps you secure the opportunities you want

Take a 29-second tour


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Justin Blackman

Brand Voice Expert & Copywriter

“I thought my high close rate was a good thing”

This Pricing Guide makes me cringe. If I had something like this when I started, I would have hit six figures years earlier. Not because I would have landed more projects — but because I would've charged what the work was worth. I thought my high close rate was a good thing. Turns out, I was just underpricing the heck outta myself.

Chani Pollins

Brand Strategist & Copywriter

“No more second-guessing myself”

The Pricing Guide is one of the resources I turn to most often. No more second-guessing myself when it comes to trying to work out what to charge! That confidence is priceless.

Morgan Hugoboom

Content & Copywriterr

“Never let this bad boy go”

I will love and cherish my Pricing Guide forever. It helps me understand how to price things when I'm starting out and everything feels like I'm shooting into the dark. It also made me realize that I was desperately underselling my services, and it helped me see that I wasn't crazy for wanting to charge more (or even thinking that it was possible).

Matt Hall

Conversion Copywriter & Design Consultant

“Brilliant strategies to secure high-profit fees”

Michal’s guide gives you more than up-to-date copywriting rates. You also get brilliant strategies to secure high-profit fees that new and experienced writers can use today. Add the fact you’re getting this for dozens of assignment types, and this guide is a can’t-miss for any copywriter.

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CLIENT: “Can you write a _____ for me?”

YOU: Sure!

Flat Line Icon

ALSO YOU: AAAAHHH! What on earth is a ______???

Flat Line Icon

Don’t just get the WHAT — get the HOW

This guide tells you not only WHAT to charge for each kind of project — it gives you a mini-course on each deliverable

(AKA all those insider tips & tricks that Google doesn’t tell you.)

What each project type actually means

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(without the jargon)

What to keep in mind when taking on the project

faq chat

(so you know exactly which questions to ask)

How to package each copy type to deliver the most value

Flat Box Package

(and show up as a pro)

How long you can expect it to take

Green  Clock  over White  Vector Illustration

(so when clients ask, you have an answer)

Every listing addresses project-specific concerns in detail

(the ones you may not even have known to ask)


Some sample listings for your viewing pleasure

Click on the arrows to browse

Unsolicited feedback that landed in our inbox 📩

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"Can't I just get this information on Google?"

Go for it.

All 40,693,120,873 web pages are out there, ready for your rabbit-holing pleasure 😉 ↓

Confused Face

After 7.39 eye-wilting hours of googling,

you may find out what most of us have learned the hard way:

Simplified Chibi Question Marks Emote

Internet prices are



Is there even a point in knowing you could charge $200 — or $2000 — for EXACTLY the same thing?



Can you really trust some rando on Quora who self-identifies as a

pro-copywriter (and is oddly obsessed with snakes!!)?



What do you do with guidance that’s either too vague to be helpful or too specific to apply to your pricing dilemma?

 Confused Face Emoji

It’s a numbers tsunami that makes you want to smash your laptop against the wall. 😵‍

So, you can google...or you can get a curated guide

reviewed by dozens of AKSHUAL copywriters —

with ranges that are accurate, actionable, and useful. 😊

“It's far more than a pricing guide —it’s an education.”

I wish I had this guide when I was starting out. And even with 10+ years of freelance copywriting under my belt, it’s still super valuable. It's far more than a pricing guide — it’s an education.

You get clear benchmarks for pricing your services no matter your skill level. Plus tips for handling client gray areas around scope and money. In short, it's a no-nonsense tool for cutting through client noise so you can protect yourself and price strategically. Michal overdelivers!

— Amy Collins, Story Guide & Email Maverick

“So useful!”

YESSSSSSS! This Pricing Guide is so useful. Only super experienced copywriters list pricing on their websites, so it’s hard to find a good baseline.

The "beginner" and "experienced" distinction in the Guide gives any insecure freelancer a strong starting point.

— Hannah Cattouse, Copywriter


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“I made my money back on my next project.”

I bought the Pricing Guide on a whim — and made my money back on my next project after raising my rates based on the guide.

Now, I open the doc *before* I get on a call, and I’m ready for anything. The confidence (and peace of mind!) I have now is priceless — and it helps to get jobs when you sound like you’ve been around the block : ).

— Rachel Fakheri, Bright Marketing Group

“Who are you, anyway?”

Hiiiii! I’m Michal — conversion copywriter, speaker, and mentor who’s spent the last 10 years writing copy for hundreds of clients across all types of projects.

Today, I run a boutique agency that helps SaaS + B2B tech brands replace yawn-inducing website copy with data-driven messaging that’s crisp, conversational, and impossible to ignore.

I’m also the founder of CopyTribe, an intensive online university that’s trained 400+ freelancers to date.

Along the way, I’ve learned the skills and mindset tools to build a business that attracts clients who pay $3000 for a day of copywriting…happily.

Every product I create is something

I WISH I would’ve had when I was starting out.

I learned many things the hard way

— and I’m on a mission to make sure copywriters like you don’t have to. 🔥

Which is why I go into detail about what NOT to do.


  • Which jobs never to take without a package deal
  • How to avoid “copy polish” jobs that are really “copy rewrite” jobs
  • When you should overestimate the pre-work research you’ll need

So you’re safe from making the same stress-inducing, profit-eating mistakes that I’ve made. 😘😘

stop sign


Put a STOP to the endless guessing and self-doubt

Stop shooting in the dark.

Stop relying on random online numbers.

Stop selling yourself short.

Instead of

  • Wondering...and wondering…and asking every copywriter you ever met to weigh in
  • Second-guessing your quotes and feeling sick the instant you hit SEND
  • Wildly underpricing (and losing money 😬) or overpricing (and losing the sale 😱) can

Lightbulb Creative Icon



so you actually MAKE money — instead of (maybe) breaking even

Can you really trust some rando on Quora who self-identifies as a

pro-copywriter (and is oddly obsessed with snakes!!)?

confidence confident dignity


with confidence

so your prospect is impressed — and realizes you’re not up for haggling

Can you really trust some rando on Quora who self-identifies as a

pro-copywriter (and is oddly obsessed with snakes!!)?

Money Making Icon

charge what you’re

really worth

because ChatGPT is good for many things — pricing guidance is not one of them

Get paid what you're worth — without paying the price

Choose your pricing package:




  • Clear pricing for 105 core copy types

  • Pricing for entry-level, mid-level, and ​senior copywriters

  • Best-kept secrets for packaging your ​products like a pro

  • Detailed tips for avoiding the most ​common client pitfalls

  • Pointers on how to add value to each ​deliverable (without adding too much ​extra work on your end)

  • Printable version of the guide


  • The Complete Copywriter Contract - a ​comprehensive agreement with ALL ​the terms & clauses that will protect ​you (so you don’t have to learn through ​pricey mistakes and weeks of grief) Value $127

  • The Ultimate Proposal Template - the ​complete guide to writing effective ​proposals, with wholly swipe-able ​copy. Value $97

  • The Customer Interview Template - ​the exact question set we use to ​conduct customer interviews + get ​fabulous voice-of-customer (VoC) ​Value $37

  • The Ultimate Guide to Social Proof - a ​step-by-step guide on how to get ​amazing testimonials from your clients ​(without sending 3,471 emails and ​begging on your hands and knees)

Value $67




  • Clear pricing for 105 core copy types

  • Pricing for entry-level, mid-level, and ​senior copywriters

  • Best-kept secrets for packaging your ​products like a pro

  • Detailed tips for avoiding the most ​common client pitfalls

  • Pointers on how to add value to each ​deliverable (without adding too much ​extra work on your end)

  • Printable version of the guide


  • The Complete Copywriter Contract - a ​comprehensive agreement with ALL ​the terms & clauses that will protect ​you (so you don’t have to learn through ​pricey mistakes and weeks of grief) Value $127

  • The Ultimate Proposal Template - the ​complete guide to writing effective ​proposals, with wholly swipe-able ​copy. Value $97

  • The Customer Interview Template - ​the exact question set we use to ​conduct customer interviews + get ​fabulous voice-of-customer (VoC) ​Value $37

  • The Ultimate Guide to Social Proof - a ​step-by-step guide on how to get ​amazing testimonials from your clients ​(without sending 3,471 emails and ​begging on your hands and knees) ​Value $67



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Hi there! 👋

Because this is a digital product and not a physical one, there are no refunds.

We wish we could be like Audible, which lets you listen to a book & then return it later — but we're just not big enough to do that (or send our founder into space). Yet. 😉

We pinky-promise that this is good. If our word and all the testimonials above aren't enough for you, please do not hit the buy buttons above.

Got questions?

Are these prices only for US-based clients? What if I live in a country where US rates are considered high?

The prices in this guide are based on typical copywriting ranges for clients from the US, UK, and Australia — and confirmed by multiple experienced copywriters in each of these locations.

That said, many high-aware, marketing-savvy clients located elsewhere around the globe will happily pay rates similar to the ones in this guide. The key to landing those contracts? Strong positioning as a service provider, and high perceived value (plus, actually delivering that value).

How do I know where to place myself on the experience scale?

You can find clear guidance about that (and A LOT more!) in the “How to use this guide” section.

Does the guide include pricing for content deliverables, like blog posts?

Yes! While the guide focuses on copy deliverables, it includes a range of content deliverables (including blog posts, e-books, and white papers) as well.

You can see the full list of deliverable types here.

Do you include guidance for pricing retainers or agency work?

Yes. The guide includes a thorough Pricing Playbook which explains how to adjust your pricing in various situations, including for retainers, agencies, and rush jobs.

Is there a refund option?

No. This is an instant digital download — there are no refunds.

What if I have a more personalized pricing question?

If you have a complicated or high-stakes pricing question that needs more personalized guidance, you can book our

personal video response package here.

How can I contact someone if I have a different question?

Email us at and we'll get back to you within 48 business hours.

ONE poorly-priced project =

huge potential loss

For just $197, you can convey complete confidence — and never lose thousands of dollars on a project again.

It’s simple math: if you've ever underquoted by just $197, you will have made back your money within ONE project quote.

Hello, ROI! 💥

Yes, I want to price with CONFIDENCE.